
Giving is an important part of the life of an individual. There is an important part of us that flourishes when we are mindful of others in need and assist in the transformation of their circumstances and situations. When we give to others it has a positive impact upon our life as well.

There are many ways to give. 

We can give of our time and energy - taking opportunities to draw alongside people in need reminding them, your presence, that they are valued and loved is an important part of caring for others. It also expresses to them that they are not alone and God loves them. Sometimes it is just simply spending a few moments with another person in a fragile or sensitive moment enables them  to move through those circumstances and realize they are not alone.

We can give of our financial resources. The ministry of Christ at Grace depends upon the compassion and generosity of its members. When you give financially on a regular basis we can fulfill our vision of "Engaging the Community".  This vision enables us to touch the lives of individuals within our congregation, the community of Peterborough and throughout the world. Every dollar of your donation goes to strengthen our congregation so we might be the hands and feet of Christ.

We welcome etransfers. You do this through your financial institution's website; please use the email: It is automatic deposit, no security question required. You may leave a note if needed.

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